inconsequential thoughts on hot tennis players
Heya! Thanks for the linkage to my blog!I just came across yours, and I love it. Do you mind if I nab that picture above to use in a future post? If not, no hard feelings!
Thank you Babz! I'm glad someone's enjoying my random tennis scribblings. Feel free to use the pic, or any that I post. I feel the Rafa goodness should be spread around. :)
Heya! Thanks for the linkage to my blog!
ReplyDeleteI just came across yours, and I love it. Do you mind if I nab that picture above to use in a future post? If not, no hard feelings!
Thank you Babz! I'm glad someone's enjoying my random tennis scribblings. Feel free to use the pic, or any that I post. I feel the Rafa goodness should be spread around. :)